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Overhead Speech Transfer with Loop (Grey)

Contacta STS-K015-01 Overhead Speech Transfer with Loop (Grey)


The Contacta STSK01501 is an exceptional Overhead Speech Transfer with Loop (Grey), developed to fulfil the need for a Speech Transfer System without having any loudspeaker components situated at desk level; thus providing a flexible space-saving solution.

The STS-K015-01 kit will still offer the same high quality of audio between public and staff sides of a security window/privacy glass, as it uses the STS-A31H amplifier. Because of this, you also have the included benefit of an induction facility for the hard of hearing.

The kit comprises of a glass mounted microphone connected to a bridge bar, allowing optimum positioning on the public side with a compact, round based microphone on the staff side to pick up the staff audio. These are both connected to the amplifier and controller unit – which sorts out all the required switching to allow a two way conversation via surface mounted loudspeakers. Two identical loudspeakers are provided; one for the public side and one for the staff side.

This is a versatile Speech Transfer solution, but don’t forget there are other versions available if your budget doesn’t quite stretch! As standard, the STS-K015-01 comes in grey and includes the following components but, as with all Contacta Speech Transfer Systems, an alternative colour can be provided at additional cost.

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