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- Contacta IL-CONTACTA-FSM Field Strength Meter

Contacta IL-CONTACTA-FSM Field Strength Meter
The Contacta IL–CONTACTA–FSM is an essential tool for anyone that is installing, commissioning or verifying a professional Induction Loop System to comply with BS EN 60118-4, which is in fact all Loop Systems!
The FSM shown above will allow you to check the Background Noise Levels in the listening space, which should be done prior to the Loop System being installed. This is a requirement of the current British Standard, and will save you the time/effort of installing a Loop System.
This device will provide you with a means to completely check the Loop Systems field strength, as well as being an invaluable tool to help you confirm the system you have installed is fully compliant. More importantly, it will identify potential issues with the system that can be relayed to the building management, so they can advise their service users of any potential black spots.
The device has a measurement range of -54dB to +9dB, which will cover all the requirements of BS EN 60118-4, and the flat response of +/- 1bD between 50Hz and 10kHz far exceeds the required levels of any professional Loop System specification.
The unit is powered by a single PP3 battery, and the 16×2 Character LCD Display provides clear readings for you to record into your commissioning paperwork. There’s also an added 3.5mm Jack Socket to allow you to listen to the broadcast signal (because in reality, the subjective listening test is probably the most important factor of any loop installation).
In order to get the required test results, you need to make sure the correct tones and audio messages are broadcast to the Loop System. This can be achieved by using the Contacta IL-TSG1 Test Signal Generator – which is the perfect partner for the Contacta IL-FSM. If you fancy picking both up at once, then contact our sales team using the enquiry button above.